REI Update for August 3, 2012
Please join our LinkedIn group and follow @MSU_REI on Twitter.
Register for the Innovate Michigan! Summit
Please join us for the REI Innovate Michigan! Summit, September 6th, 2012 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center in East Lansing. Learn about, discuss, and influence innovative economic development tools, policies, models, and practices for Michigan! More details are available on our website!
Register Now!
Sessions will include:
- Microenterprise Development in Michigan
- Internship Programs for Distressed Communities
- Small Business Hands-On Broadband/Tech Training in Rural Communities
- Innovative Exporting Practices
- Young Entrepreneurial Programming
- Open Educational Resources
- Innovation Brokering
- Building a Creative Services Incubator within a Community College
- Small-Scale Urban Developers and Landlords as Agents of Real Estate-Led Economic Development
Summer 2012 Webinar Series
Check out REI's Co-learning Plan and Student Feasibility Study webinars! Look for announcements about upcoming webinars and their availability on reicenter.org, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Join us August 13, 2012 from 2:00 to 3:00pm for our next webinar, Internship Programs for Distressed Communities: Connecting engaged college students with grassroots internship opportunities in distressed communities - John Kaczynski, Saginaw Valley State University.
Click here for more information on how to participate!
Recorded webinars posted on reicenter.org:
- Food Innovation Districts - Michelle Leppek, Kristie Sieloff, Sara Lucas, Matt McCauley, and Katharine Colasonti
- St. Martha's Community Vision - Michael French and Melinda McIntosh, Richard Wooten (MSU Extension of Wayne County)
- Innovation Brokering - Deborah Groban Olson, Center for Community Based Enterprise
- Microenterprise Development in Michigan: Assessing Coverage, Access and Outreach - Claire Glenn, Coordinator for the Microenterprise Network of Michigan
Student-Led, Faculty-Guided, Technical Assistance Projects
REI is accepting applications for innovative student-led, faculty-guided, feasibility studies and technical assistance projects from colleges and universities across Michigan!
Apply Now!
Fall Semester applications due August 17th, 2012.
Spring Semester applications due November 16th, 2012.
Thank you to the schools who attended our July 18th Higher Education Technical Assistance meeting!
- Michigan State University
- Eastern Michigan University
- Grand Valley State University
- Madonna University
- Marygrove College
- Northern Michigan University
- Saginaw Valley State University
- Schoolcraft College
Social Media
Thank you to our REI members who have helped us reach over 260 followers on our Twitter feed and 160 members on our LinkedIn group.