Share, Learn, Create Innovative Economic Development Ideas!
"A diverse and dynamic network developing innovative economic
development ideas, tools, models, policies, and practices for Michigan."
New REI Members
We would like to welcome the newest additions to the REI Network!
- Justin Horvath
- Diane Baumgartner
- James Ahee
- Elizabeth Masserang
- Heidi Isakson
- William Largent
- Mike Hilfinger
- Anne Couture
- Kenneth Andejeski
- Ian Clark
- Luann Harden
- Susan Puska
- Linda Daichendt
What's Coming Up
Establishing an Entrepreneurial Friendly Region Webinar
April 2, 2015 at 2:30pm
This webinar is the first in a training
series sponsored by the Great Lakes Regional Training Initiative, a
collaboration between six University Centers of the Great Lakes Region
to support regional economic development. This webinar will look at the
aspects of entrepreneurship ecosystems and provide insights into
specific elements that are of interest to the Great Lakes
region. Beginning with the national and international frameworks
for assessing entrepreneurial ecosystems, we will then take a closer
took at the role of scale and setting in determining critically-needed
infrastructure and services for entrepreneurs. At the end of this
webinar, you will be equipped with new ideas and case studies to help
you facilitate and guide entrepreneurial growth and success in your
Webinar Registration Coming Soon.
SAVE THE DATE: 4th Annual Innovate Michigan! Summit
September 10, 2015 Share, Learn, Create Innovative Economic Ideas!
Stay tuned for additional information.
Co-Learning Plan proposals were due in December. We received 12 unique
proposals from authors all over the state working in an assortment of
professions. REI selected 4 of the most innovative and promising of
projects to support this year. Congratulations to:
Click here to read descriptions for the Spring 2015 Co-Learning Plans.
Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Projects
 Congratulations to the two Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Projects selected for Spring 2015:
- Lawrence Technological University - A generative NZE infrastructure project
- Muskegon County Land Bank Authority - A blight elimination and zoning strategy project
Click here to apply for the Summer 2015 Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Technical Assisance. Applications will be due March 27, 2015.
The EDA University Centers in the Chicago Region recently initiated the Great Lakes Regional Training Initiative
(GLRTI) to assist regions in the six states of Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin by promoting technical and
training assistance needs.
GLRTI makes valuable university resources available and
provides training programs to economic development professionals in all
six states.To accomplish this, gaps between currently available training
and the needs of practitioners must be identified. Please take GLRTI's
brief survey (5-10 minutes) by clicking here, to assist in identifying training needs and to lend your voice to shaping this new regional initiative.
Watch how some of REI's Co-Learning Plan authors have impacted Michigan's economy
 | Pop Up Business Model Video |