Share, Learn, Create Innovative Economic Development Ideas!
"A diverse
and dynamic network developing innovative economic development ideas,
tools, models, policies, and practices for Michigan."
We Need Your Ideas!
Have a great idea to jump-start Michigan's economy? Submit it on our website. Our network then helps us determine which ideas to fund and research.
 CCED in Flint
Brown of CCED Flint has been involved with the rehabilitation of Flint
long before the water crisis, but now more than ever he is working with
the community to educate and work towards solutions. He is working to
combat direct and underlying causes and issues that come along with this
kind of tragedy, including racism, public distrust, and a decreased tax
base. One large project that is currently in progress is the
construction of the "Flint Aquaponic Network". This commitment to
community food investment involves turning an abandoned house into an
aquaponic crop growing facility. CCED Flint is also helping to organize a
aquaponics study group to optimize the community benefit from this
sustainable food operation. |
 Flint City Pop-Up
Joel Rash organizes t he Youth Entrepreneurship and Flint City Pop-Ups project headed up by Red Ink Flint and Metro Community Development. This
initiative focuses on creating a pipeline for entrepreneurial youth
with multiple entry points and several outcomes. The education and
support program will target high school students and disconnected 16- to
24-year-olds who are interested in starting their own businesses. Flint
City Pop-Up will engage the more advanced youth entrepreneurs, as well
as start-ups in the community who will benefit from intermediary step of
having a temporary space to do business in.Upcoming Events:
Save the Date: 2016 Innovate Michigan! Summit
Save the date! The 5th annual Innovate Michigan! Summit will be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2016.
Attendees will hear speakers talk about innovative economic development
tools, models, policies, programs, and practices. Learn how REI and its
partners are achieving small wins with big impacts and gain a more
complete view of the economic climate in Michigan and the driving forces
behind it.
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Are You An Inventor?
REI and the
Michigan Inventors Coalition are looking for Michigan garage, barn, and
basement inventors to share their innovative products and services at
the next MIC Expo. Attendees will meet other garage,
barn, and basement inventors, and hear about their latest inventions,
see their products, and find out how the discovery-to-market process
works in Michigan.
If you are interested in exhibiting or would like more information, please contact Leandra Williams (
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Co-Learning Plans
To learn about this year's Co-Learning Plans, click here.
The authors of these research initiatives are analyzing and identifying
new strategies to support economic growth in Michigan's regional
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Student-Led Faculty-Guided Projects
Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Projects are still in progress. Read the
descriptions below and stay tuned for the recommendations and results
from each project:
- Net Zero Hybridized Infrastructure Implementation Project, Lawrence Technological University
- sw[LAB] NZE project is designed to be a replicable
prototype for SWLA and other DPS schools to generate renewable energy,
conserve and manage water, and reinforce sustainability lesson plans
that engage children and train community members through active
learning. The project features an energy farm, learning gardens, and
outdoor classroom with photovoltaic energy and rainwater collection
- West Pulaski Aquahouse Project, Kettering University
- The project is based around
re-purposing abandoned houses into semi-subterranean greenhouses and
aquaponics which is the integration of aquaculture (fish farming) and
hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a water-circulating, soil-free
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REI Impact: Successful Projects Throughout Michigan
City of Frankfort Beach Infrastructure Plan
is located in the Northwest portion of the lower peninsula of Michigan,
in Benzie County, and is a popular tourist destination in the summer
months. Frankfort thrives on tourism with only 63.8% of the homes used
as permanent residences. A team of four Michigan State University
students in collaboration with the City of Frankfort Superintendent
Joshua Mills, over the course of the 2013 Academic Spring Semester,
created a Frankfort beach infrastructure assessment study.
Update: The
City of Frankfort has moved forward with nearly every recommendation
from the MSU practicum report. Improvements are bring performed via
budget control, procuring grants, and securing funds through
crowdfunding. The MSU study results were rolled into an updated Parks
and Recreation Master Plan for the City of Frankfort. The city has
established a committee that is made up of members of their Planning
Commission, Recreation Board, DDA and City Council in order to further
investigate the Lake Michigan Beach area and Cannon Park. The primary
discussion incorporates the recommendations provided in the MSU
practicum report. In 2014 and 2015, Cannon Park underwent a complete
landscape renovation project with a sidewalk constructed brick paver
surrounding the cannon. Also, the summer of 2015 was the inaugural
launch of the bus shuttle service to minimize the parking issues
throughout the Main Street corridor. The bus shuttle service will
continue through 2016.
Discovery to Market
Check out
our most recent video; Discovery to Market! This short video highlights
the impact makerspaces can have on communities and the opportunities
they provide to entrepreneurs in the beginning stages.