Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities

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'24-'25 Project Applications

REI offers support for three types of projects:

Co-Learning Plan Projects 

Co-Learning Plan Projects Link

Co-Learning Plan selection is a competitive process. REI typically funds up to four Co-Learning Projects each year, and authors receive up to $8,000 in support. Visit the Project Overview page for more information on REI project types. 

Coming Soon  

Call for Co-Learning Plan Authors

Stage Date
Application Deadline December 9, 2024
Notice of Awards January 2025
First Drafts Due March 28, 2025
Second Drafts Due May 2, 2025
Third Draft Due June 6, 2025
Fourth Draft Due July 11, 2025
Presentations Due August 4, 2025
Present at Innovate Michigan! Summit August 25, 2025
Addendum and Final Report Due August 29, 2025

Innovation Fellows Program Link

Innovation Fellows are funded through a competitive award process to which only serious, dedicated individuals should apply. Visit the Project Overview page for more information on REI project types.

Coming Soon

2024 Call for Innovation Fellows

Innovation Fellow Timeline

Stage Date
Applications Due December 9, 2024
Notice of Award January, 2025
First Project Update March 28, 2025
Second Project Update May 7, 2025
Third Project Update June 6, 2025
Fourth Project Update July 11, 2025
Present at Innovate Michigan! Summit August 14, 2025
Final Report Due August 25, 2025

Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Technical Assistance Link

Technical Assistance selection is a competitive process. REI typically funds five or more semester-long projects each year. Visit the Project Overview page for more information on REI project types, or watch our Webinar on the 2019-2020 Student-Led, Faculty-Guided technical assistance.

Apply Now Online!

Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Technical Assistance Project Application

Technical Assistance Timeline (Flexible)

Stage Fall Spring Summer
Application Opens June October February
Applications Due July November March
Applicant Selection August December April
Final Product Due December April August