Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
Welcome to the 2025 project year! The MSU U.S. EDA University Center for Regional Economic Innovation (REI) funds several types of projects: Co-Learning Projects, researched and written by professionals; Co-Implementation Plans, led by Innovation Fellows; and Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Technical Assistance projects, researched and written by student teams at Michigan universities and colleges. Please visit the Completed Projects page for examples of these types of work. You may also view the application page for project timelines and to apply for REI funding. Submitted projects will receive priority if they serve Asset Limited-Income Constrained-Employed (ALICE) populations living within Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRCs) and/or Opportunity Zones (OZs). Projects are encouraged to focus on one of four foci areas, including: resiliency planning, financial resiliency, circular economies, or 21st century communications infrastructure.
Within these foci, please select 1 of the 6 topical areas for the 2024 project year. Not sure if your project fits? Please send questions to Jenan Jondy at