Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
At the hub of the REI University Center is the Consultative Panel of statewide knowledge-based and experienced experts. The purpose of this select panel is to counsel and advise the REI University Center faculty and staff on the overall project objectives and scope of work.
City of Westland Planning Director
Director, West Michigan Regional Planning Commission (WMRPC)
Professor of Urban Planning, Chair of Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Wayne State University
Program Officer at the Michigan Municipal League Foundation
Executive Director, Southwest Michigan Planning Commission
CC-P and ISSP-CSP; Founder and Chief Strategist of Commons Logic, LLC
Program Manager for Economic & Community Development, EMCOG
Dual CEO of 313 Industries, Inc. and Copper Phoenix Consulting, LLC; Chief Talent & Strategy Officer for Lighthouse Michigan; Professor in the School of Management at the University of Michigan (Flint)
State Program Manager, Connect Michigan
Managing Director for the Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership at the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University
Independent Consultant, The Everyday Sacred
Executive Director, Michigan State University Innovation Center
Manager of Talent and Economic Development, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)
Community, Food & Environment Institute Director at MSU Extension
Executive Director, West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC)
Instructor and Project Advisor, School of Business and Economics, Michigan Technological University
MEDC Senior Redevelopment Ready Community (RRC) Planner
Senior Planner, Spalding DeDecker
Founding Board Member for The National Coalition for Community Capital (NC3)
Full-time Professor and the Eli Broad Endowed Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Broad College of Business, MSU, Supply Chain Management Department
Mid-Michigan Regional Director in the Office of U.S. Senator Gary Peters
Entrepreneurship Librarian, Michigan State University
Performance & Management Reporting Specialist, City of Grand Rapids
Program Manager, University Research Corridor
MSU Extension Specialist in Agriculture and Agribusiness
Independent Consultant, Bill Stough LLC
Lead economic development planner for (SEMCOG)
Executive Director for the Michigan Economic Developers Association
Managing Director, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Burgess IEI)
University Outreach and Engagement Senior Fellow & Professor
Director of Urban Policy Initiatives, Michigan State University Outreach and Engagement
Chief Equity Development Officer, Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP)
Professor, Urban & Regional Planning
Executive Director, Grand Action 2.0
District 11 Director, Michigan State University Extension