Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities

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Co-Learning is a process in which multiple parties collaborate to generate new knowledge. In a Co-Learning Plan Project, innovative economic development tools, models, strategies, policies, and practices are researched, and the findings and recommendations serve as a key resource for economic development practitioners and policymakers in Michigan. Co-Learning Plans can be written by practitioners, decision-makers, community leaders, entrepreneurs, scholars, or other stakeholders. Co-Learning authors are expected to conduct research, engage in Co-Learning with peers, write a Co-Learning Plan, develop a dissemination plan, identify potential Innovation Fellows, and present at the Innovate Michigan! Summit.

Co-Learning Plan Project selection is a competitive process. REI typically funds two to four Co-Learning Projects each year, and authors may receive up to $8,000 in support.


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