Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities

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The first pillar of CERI is Resiliency Planning - To facilitate comprehensive planning that can assist communities to speed their recovery after experiencing natural or manmade shocks such as the novel coronavirus pandemic.


Current Projects

A ‘Resiliency Planning’ Thought Leaders Series

Hosted by MSU Extension Land Use Educators and MSU faculty, interns and agency partners

Falling under the Resiliency Planning Pillar, this 6-session live webinar ‘thought leader’ series ran from March through April. It was intended to open discussion on the role of regional economic planning and local master planning to prepare for a more resilient and sustainable post-COVID environment. The series not only addressed the steps for current planning but allowed for considerations for future resiliency.

See details here


Center for Community Climate Resilience

Led by Ann Erhardt, in collaboration with Michigan Diversity Education Center (MiDEC)

COVID-19 has highlighted many disparities and instabilities in both the health care systems and the economy. This project aims to address those issues, while also discussing how those negative impacts will be mirrored and even exacerbated by climate change events. The project will further investigate how the impacts of climate change are integrated with extractive systems and policies based in capitalism and white supremacist culture, and how this can be connected to complex solutions of racial equity.