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2018: Smart Cities and Infrastructure for Michigan

Co-Learning Plan - 2018

Authors: Dong Zhao, Michigan State University


Smart cities represent the future of urban and infrastructure development. This project aims to provide a holistic picture of the past, current, and trends of smart cities while retaining a focus on the state of Michigan. This project will focus on the electric-vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to support a smart city using a Detroit-based case study. A mixed-methods approach will be used including survey, statistical analysis, and computer-based simulation. The outcomes will provide quantifiable evidence about smart cities and infrastructure development to Michigan leaders and provide policy implications for the Michigan automobile industry.


Zhao's research has been recently published in an ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) report. This report speaks on Smart City topics such as autonomous vehicles, electrical vehicles, and energy storage systems. This report can be viewed at the ASCE library website under a subscription or for one-time purchase.

View the ASCE ReportExternal link - opens in new window

Author Information

Dong Zhao Dong Zhao, Michigan State University

Dong Zhao is an Assistant Professor of Construction Management and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State University. He is a LEED AP certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. Prior to joining MSU, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Construction at Virginia Tech where he earned his Ph.D. in building construction and M.S. in building science. He earned his M.S. in management engineering and B.E. in construction engineering and from Chongqing University in China.

Zhao's research focuses on human-centered engineering and construction, an intersection of construction engineering, human factors engineering, and building science. His research seeks data-driven solutions that integrate human factors information to the building construction system design and ergonomics for efficiency, safety, and sustainability. He has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of architecture, engineering, and construction. He serves as an academic committee member of the Construction Industry Institute (CII), an NSF review panelist, and a reviewer for more than ten international journals and conferences. Some of his honors include receiving the Best Journal Paper Award of Year from the Journal of Architectural Engineering published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

View the Report