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2021: Brightmoor Neighborhood Stability

Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Project (2021)

Authors: Dr. Louise Jezierski and Mr. John O'Brien


The research required multi-level and mixed methodological analysis. The project begins with gaining historical understanding of Brightmoor and NWDND, residents’ and officers’ stories (oral histories - about 10). Then work with NWDND residents and officers to construct and distribute some in-depth, qualitative interviews and survey instruments (250 households, plus a sample of households that may have moved out of the neighborhood if they have a forwarding address). Some of these surveys will be completed electronically using Qualtrics and some number to be determined may have to be administered as a paper survey if the household doesn’t have a computer or smart phone. Then code digital archival data of Tenant Certification information (identities of residents will be struck from these documents) that are collected every year. We will set up an evaluation protocol of main factors across these data to provide an assessment of the conditions that contribute to the desirability and sustainability of tenancy of residents in their homes and their attitudes towards living in the  Brightmoor neighborhood. SEMCOG and the regional EDD has pledged support for the project.


Author Information

Louise Jezierski

Dr. Louise A. Jezierski is an Associate Professor of Social Relations at James Madison College, Michigan State University.  Her research includes revitalization of declining cities, especially the cities of Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland, local and regional economic and community development, race relations and social inequality. Some recent projects include community building in Lansing, MI, “Race/Socioeconomic Area Characteristics & Cancer – Detroit” funded by the National Cancer Institute, The Effect of State Legislation on Sub-Prime Lending, Michigan’s Latino Communities, and funding from US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Hispanic Housing Council for a study on Hispanic housing access in El Paso Texas. She received her BA at Boston University in Sociology and Geography and her MA and PhD in Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.