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2012: Innovation Mosaic L3C

Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Project - 2012

Authors: Charles Biggers, Robert Kling, Martha Schlesinger, David Silver, Wayne State University


This report explored key factors and elements found in successful efforts to stimulate and revitalize economic activity, with a focus on a model that is entrepreneurially themed, technologically facilitated, philosophically supportive of the "Triple Bottom Line", and stimulates placemaking.

Project Updated As Of September 30th, 2012

Author Information

David SilverDavid Silver is Detroit Horse Power’s founder and Executive Director. He has a background in urban education after teaching at Burns Elementary/Middle School and earning his Masters in Teaching in 2014. He launched Detroit Horse Power and has overseen the program’s growth in the last four years while pursuing the long-term vision of bringing horses to the city.

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