Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Project - 2014
Authors: Jennifer James-Mesloh, Northern Michigan University
This economic development data collection and marketing project stemmed from the collective focus of two organizations, LSCP and UPCDC, which determined that business attraction and marketing were needed for the 15 Upper Peninsula (U.P.) counties. Business attraction and marketing are capital and time-intensive endeavors, requiring resources typically unavailable to economic developers in the U.P. Thus, the LSCP was charged with facilitating a regional-wide effort to create digital and hardcopy material aligned with the International Economic Development Council's (IEDC) site- selection data standards. The information collected was later converted by the LSCP into individualized marketing pieces for each county in the region.
Project Updated As Of September 30th, 2014
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Jennifer James-Mesloh, Northern Michigan University
Jennifer James-Mesloh holds a doctorate in public affairs and a master’s in public administration. She is currently the program coordinator and assistant professor in the graduate public administration program at Northern Michigan University. Her previous professional experience has been derived from undergraduate education, health care, state and county government, economic development, agriculture and non-profits. In the aforementioned disciplines, she has over 20 years specializing in maternal and child health program effectiveness, crisis and emergency risk communications on behalf of public health agencies and public relations/public information for agencies and nonprofits. She is also a peer-reviewed author.
PPTX: 11.5 MB
Powerpoint presentation from the 2014 Innovate Michigan! SummitPPTX: 11.5 MB