Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
Co-Learning Plan - 2012
Authors: Claire Glenn, Tracy Pierce, Microenterprise Network of Michigan
Microenterprise development supported entrepreneurs and businesses that contribute to vibrant neighborhoods, strong communities, and stable local economies. This Co-Learning Plan showcased research assessing Michigan's microenterprise ecosystem and the avenues for entrepreneurs to connect to assistance. It featured the launch of a new online resource directory.
Project Updated As Of September 30th, 2012
Claire Glenn, Microenterprise Network of Michigan
Claire Glenn is the Coordinator for the Microenterprise Network of Michigan. Claire graduated from Michigan State University with a B.A. degree in Social Relations and Policy, and a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance. She has received numerous awards, including the Michigan State University Board of Trustees Award, Gillette Fellowship, Martin Luther King, Jr. Advancing Inclusion through Research Award, and the Michael G. Schechter All-University Endowed Award. Prior to working with the MNM, Claire served as the President of the Elimu Bora Student Group, interned at Breaking Free, Inc., and conducted independent research on health care access for indigenous and Afro-Caribbean communities in Nicaragua.