Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
Co-Learning Plan - 2025
Authors: Tom Smith
This project aims to address agricultural labor shortages and infrastructure challenges in Michigan by proposing the development of agricultural innovation centers. These centers would coordinate existing resources, such as private sector expertise, university research, and career and technical education, to provide training and support for a well-prepared domestic workforce. The project involves researching models of agricultural innovation centers from other regions, identifying relevant Michigan stakeholders, and drafting a tailored organizational structure for the state. Stakeholder feedback will refine the plan, which will be shared through networks established during the project. Ultimately, the project will identify the various existing stakeholders needed for agriculture innovation centers and develop and design the organizational structure and coordination to develop these centers.
Tom Smith, retired MSU Extension Specialist in Agriculture and Agribusiness, is an expert on skills and workforce development in food and agriculture with a current focus on pesticide and food safety education and training at a national scale. Previous efforts focused on national and international standards and entrepreneurship with expertise in designing and enhancing multi-sector collaboration to develop training and education.
Prior to MSU he worked as an experienced executive for both non-profit and private sector businesses. Served as a commodity executive and interfaced with other Michigan commodity executives, state and local government, and MSU faculty and administration on a regular basis. Owned and operated two private sector businesses, including a tech transfer company working to commercialize automotive biocomposites.