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2013: City of Owosso: Washington Corridor Plan

Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Project - 2013

Authors: Ken Hunter, Sam Schultz, Ryan Musser, Jessica Wendlandt, Jia Zhuang


The goal was to enhance the corridor between Baker College and downtown Owosso by focusing on the built environment including connections, gateways, and the streetscape. They wanted to create a sense of place capable of stimulating economic growth and building social equity. This project provided an assessment of the development area in terms of size, accessibility, condition, and related factors, a report on the recommended action plan or alternate plans for uses of the area in its component parcels, a potential implementation strategy, concept design or designs (layouts) of the area as it related to future land use, and a professional planning document that included data, analysis, and recommendations.

Project Updated As Of September 30th, 2013

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