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2016: The Southend District: Vision Plan and Economic Development Strategy

Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Project - Spring, 2016

Authors: Yiran Chen, Christina Ignasiak, Melanie Nieske, & Donald Whipp, Michigan State University


By creating a vision plan and economic development strategy for the Dix-Vernor Corridor, the City of Dearborn will be able to take advantage of planning and redevelopment efforts to improve the Dix-Vernor District.

Project Updated As Of September 30th, 2016

Author Information

Christina IgnasiakChristina Ignasiak, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments

With a degree in Urban and Regional Planning and Environmental and Sustainable Studies from Michigan State University and a Masters of Urban Planning from Wayne State University, Christina is passionate about the filed of planning and its many facets. Innovative planning concepts, policy making at the state and local level and its connection to land use law, as well as community outreach and engagement are areas that interest her greatly.


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