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2015: No Veteran Left Behind

Co-Learning Plan - 2015

Authors: D. Laurence Rogers


This Co-Learning Plan analyzed the demographics of returning veterans and military retirees, the range of skills these vets possess and the most common obstacles they will encounter. A list of programs serving veterans by state, including financing, training, assistance, etc. was compiled. Lastly, success stories of veterans who have overcome obstacles to find new niches for themselves were used to document and recommend best practices for helping veterans re-enter the workforce.

Project Updated As Of September 30th, 2015

Author Information

D. Laurence RogersD. Laurence Rogers

D. Laurence (Dave) Rogers, of Bay City, is a journalist and historian. A native of Chicago, he earned bachelors and masters degrees in Communications from Michigan State University. He is a former reporter, columnist, editorial writer and city editor for newspapers and wire services in Lansing, Chicago, Detroit and Bay City. He received the award of "distinguished reporting of public affairs" from the American Political Science Association. He has taught Journalism at Michigan State University, Northwood University and Delta College. He has written or edited several Michigan history books and is involved in local historical preservation projects. His book on abolitionist political pioneer James G. Birney and his family, and the roots of the Civil War, entitled "Apostles of Equality: The Birneys, the Republicans and The Civil War," was published in 2011 by the Michigan State University Press.

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