Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
The REI University Center has identified the following topics for possible co-learning plans in 2017. To submit an application or to learn more, please visit
The deadline for all applications is Friday, January 20, 2017. Please direct questions to Ms. Jennifer Bruen at or 517-353-9555
Term limits on Michigan's legislators were initiated in 1992; this project would analyze long-term economic impacts of the change and would compare economic development strategies between states with and without term limits. Apply Now!
This project would attempt to answer the question, "what is social entrepreneurship?" and would look for examples of it in Michigan. It would use those findings to develop recommendations for economic developers to encourage these practices. Apply Now!
Should public dollars be spent to attract a business in one community when excess capacity exists in other communities? This project would research efforts to strategically target publicly funded infrastructure throughout the nation, and would look for models that could be adopted in Michigan. Apply Now!
How would Michigan's economy differ if the gender wage gap was closed? This project would look at the current state of the wage gap and investigate policies that could effectively reduce or eliminate it. Apply Now!
How do you replace workers in specialized positions when they are ready to retire? This project would research job sharing and apprenticeship programs that could allow for quicker skill transfer and a smoother transfer to the next worker. Apply Now!
How does our reliance on specific statistics for some basic economic measures and not others affect our ability to create long term change? What are we not measuring that we should and why? This project would explore these issues. Apply Now!
Muslim-owned business owners may be religiously opposed to interest bearing loans, making it more difficult to get a business off the ground. There is a successful crowd-funding market in Minneapolis that allows business owners and entrepreneurs access to capital while maintaining religious values. The project would examine the potential for alternative funding programs in Michigan and create a plan for implementation. Apply Now!
Tax-incentive based competition between states is causing an unstable, ever-relocating business flow. This project would analyze the ways that non-compete agreements affect the economic climate in the Midwest compared to other regions. Apply Now!
This project would examine traditional cuisine that emphasizes sustainability, healthfulness, and appropriateness tied to cultural heritage tourism. Apply Now!
Unconditional Basic Income mandates a guaranteed stipend for every resident of a community in an effort to address rising inequality, and the concept is gaining popularity among other prosperous regions and countries in the world. What is the feasibility for implementation in Michigan? Apply Now!
We welcome innovative ideas under this category. What tools, models, policies or programs would support this idea? Consider your level of professional or academic experience in the topic area you are suggesting, as it pertains to economic development. Apply Now!