Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
The REI University Center has identified the following topics for possible Co-Learning Plans in 2022. To submit an application or to learn more, please visit
The deadline for all applications is Friday, December 10, 2021. Please direct questions to Ms. Mary ZumBrunnen at or 517-353-9555
Housing is a necessary companion to successful economic development. Without the right housing stock, it is extremely difficult to sustain the labor force that economic prosperity requires. What lessons can be learned from communities that have matched innovation in economic development strategy and housing strategy? How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
Exapand the availability and affordability of childcare and long-term care while also improving the quality - including higher wages - of care jobs through public, private, and nonprofit investment and business assistance. How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain and/or businesses in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
During COVID, communities have been confronted by a new paradigm that demands digital connection. Those with gaps in broadband coverage found that those gaps also placed those populations in a deficit for education, health care, democratic and social engagement, but does the lack of ubiquitous broadband in a community actually inhibit economic development? Where does broadband rank for site selectors? Is it assumed by site selectors that most communities will have comprehensive broadband coverage sooner than later anyway? How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
The country is undergoing a significant shift in how energy is produced. This change is driven both by what is or is not profitable in the marketplace, and by larger societal change because of climate change. In our previous model of energy generation it was commonplace for our energy to be produced by large industrial plants. These plants employed large numbers of people and tended to have rather high average wages. In the face of our changing energy generation, what does the labor side of the new paradigm look like? Fewer jobs? Lower pay? How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
Maine recently adopted a law (the Extended Produced Responsibility for Packaging) requiring producers to "pay" for the disposal/recycling of the packaging that they sell. The policy shifts the cost of material disposal and recycling from consumers/public recycling systems to the producer/product consumer. The law will reduce waste and encourage the recycling industry. What can economic developers do to encourage the growth of the private sector recycling/reuse business sector in Michigan? What barriers exist to adopting a similar law in Michigan? What are the climate change impacts of such a law for Michigan? How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
Federal funding is seeking to incentivize transformative regional change in how industry is clustered. On the assumption that we will be seeing this kind of change, we need people that will explore the bigger answers to this large question. Is there be a nationwide logic and intentionality associated with this change or will it merely be the byproduct of accidents of timing and good fortune? How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
Tax incentives should be revised to incentivize and support firms' efforts to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion and to improve job quality. How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
Regional Tax Base sharing reduces sprawl, supports more dense development, maximizes the use of the existing community infrastructure (roads, sewers, internet) and helps reduce inequality in a region. The value of regional cooperation is well documented, yet Michigan's elected leaders continue to resist advancing regional tax base sharing policies. How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
Promote employee ownership and worker cooperative models, which have been shown to have a positive association with quality jobs, by offering technical assistance and access to appropriate financing to support transitions to employee ownership, as well as new business development that includes some form of employee ownership. Funds could be made available to state employee ownership centers, experienced nonprofit organizations, and interested Small Business Development Centers to raise awareness about different employee ownership models among small - to medium-sized businessess and to extend technical assistance and facilitate financing. How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
In the last industrial revolution, there were numerous examples of major industries building communities for their labor force. They matched the housing to the labor force that would populate the industry (e.g. Pullman). Is this happening today? If not, why not? How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
SEC and other regulations should require large public companies to report on job quality, salary equity, and diversity, equity, and inclusion performances metrics. How likely is this topic or idea to create or retain jobs and/or businessess in economically distressed communities or regions of Michigan? Apply Now!
We welcome innovative ideas under this category. What tools, models, policies or programs would support this idea? Consider your level of professional or academic experience in the topic area you are suggesting, as it pertains to economic development. To submit an idea to REI, click here!