2014 Innovate Michigan! Summit Success
September 1, 2014
Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
September 1, 2014
REI would like to thank everyone who supported and attended the 2014 Innovate Michigan! Summit on September 4. It was great to see so many people (over 150) from around the state come together to learn about how they can improve our state's economy! Attendees helped us rate ideas for the 2014-2015 Co-Learning Plan Series, and our Consultative Panel will review the ideas and ratings to help us narrow the list to 6-8 topics. After we have finalized the list we will begin soliciting for our 2014-2015 Co-Learning Plan authors.
We would also like to thank Senator Carl Levin and Dr. June Pierce Youatt (MSU Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs) for providing remarks at the beginning of the event. Senator Levin's video message has now been posted online for those who missed it.
Check back this fall for our Co-Learning Plan author solicitation. We hope everyone enjoyed the Summit, and if you were unable to fill out an event evaluation please feel free to fill out our online survey by clicking here, so that we can continue to improve the Summit for next year!