Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities

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2016 Call for Co-Learning Plan Authors

Are you interested in helping identify new methods to improve Michigan's economy? Apply to be a Co-Learning Plan Author today, and you could get that opportunity! Applications for the 2016 Co-Learning Plan series are now available here. Each year, REI funds up to 10 Co-Learning Plans to explore innovative ideas and strategies for new tools, models, policies and practices that could improve Michigan's economy. Past projects include "Supporting Michigan 'Triple Bottom Line' Businesses", "Michigan's Ecotourism Economy," and "Public Telework Facilities," among many others.

This year's topics include:

  • Models for Regional Distribution of Public Funding
  • Social Impact Bonds as a Means to Capitalize Economic Development for Distressed Communities
  • Attracting Talent and Building Regional Collaboration with the Metropolitan Area Projects (MAP)
  • "Inclusive Growth" in Michigan
  • Impact Assessment of "Big Box Stores" and Tax Base Abatement in Michigan
  • Carbon Tax and Dividend Policy in Michigan
  • Education campaign and the importance of Buying Local

As always, if you are interested in writing on another topic not listed here, you can submit an application to the "Other Idea Not Listed" category. The Co-Learning Plan Author selection process is competitive, so be sure to submit your application early to avoid last-minute delays! The deadline for applications is December 7, 2015.

For more information please visit our Submit an Application page. We're looking forward to a new round of Co-Learning Plans…good luck to all applicants!

Please direct questions to Ms. Jennifer Bruen at or 517-353-9555