Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Projects Announced
May 2, 2016
Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities
May 2, 2016
To date, Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Projects have generated $58,391,800 in public and private investment in the state! REI would like to thank all of the students and faculty who have worked so hard to achieve these results!
With that success in mind, REI is excited to announce its Spring and Summer 2016 Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Projects! The projects are chosen through a competitive application process and take place all around the state, with a goal of identifying areas of deficiency and developing strategies for improvement.
Establish a business model and framework for a community bike shop to be run by BLVD-Harambee, a non-profit youth mentorship organization led by the Episcopal Church of the Messiah.
To reduce the overall amount of waste in Genesee County, this project will examine the feasibility of establishing a regional recycling facility in the area.
By creating a vision plan and economic development strategy for the Dix-Vernor Corridor, the City of Dearborn will be able to take advantage of planning and redevelopment efforts to improve the Dix-Vernor District.
The Studio [Ci] sw[LAB] NZE Prototype will create a new Hybridized Ecosystem - an Energy Farm/Outdoor Classroom (EF/OC) for a Detroit public school and surrounding neighborhood.