Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities

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The REI Innovation Fellows Program seeks to implement tools, models, and policies identified in past Co-Learning Projects and putting them into practice in communities around Michigan. REI aims to attract and support top champions in communities and organizations to tackle the tough economic development issues that our distressed communities face every day. We have three Innovation Fellows for the 2020 year who are eager to put their economic development concepts into action!

Angela Barbash: Michigan Community Capital Ecosystem Mapping
Angela's 2014 Co-Learning Plan, Community Based Investing: Crowdfunding and the Michigan Invests Locally Exemption

Sam Butler: Labor and Community Equitable Development Agenda
Sam's 2019 Co-Learning Plan, Marrying Community Benefits and Development Practice

Mitchell Shapiro: Aligning Resources to Expand Broadband and Its Benefits in Rural Michigan
Mitchell's 2019 Co-Learning Plan, Electric Cooperatives and the Digital Divide

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