Discovering and applying new and innovative economic development tools, models, policies, and programs
Creating Jobs and Wealth in Distressed Michigan Communities

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The MSU EDA University Center for Regional Economic Innovation hosted the first annual Innovate Michigan! Summit on Thursday, September 6th, 2012.

This was a full-day event featuring presentations on innovative economic development tools, models, policies, practices, student technical assistance projects and Michigan inventions. Download the event flyer.

Economic development practitioners, business leaders, finance providers, scholars, students, local and state government, and other community leaders learned about, discussed, influenced and shared new approaches to economic development in Michigan for the coming year of 2013.

Download the event program.

Presentations and reports from the Summit can be found on the Completed Projects page.


Time Session Description
8:00-8:30am   Check in, Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:50am   Welcome - Rex LaMore (REI), Hiram Fitzgerald (MSU UOE), Jeanette Tamayo (EDA)
8:50-9:20am Open Opening Burst: Issues on the Table
9:30-10:15am I Microenterprise Development in Michigan: Assessing Coverage, Access and Outreach
9:30-10:15am I Detroit's St. Martha Community Center
9:30-10:15am I Internship Programs for Distressed Communities (Topic I, Topic II)
9:30-10:15am I CityHall Commons / WebPolis
10:15-10:25am   Networking Break
10:25-11:10am II On-Site Technology Training for Small, Rural Michigan Businesses
10:25-11:10am II Small-Scale Urban Developers and Landlords as Agents of Real Estate-Led Economic Development
10:25-11:10am II Beecher Revitalization
11:10-11:20am   Networking Break
11:20am-12:05pm III Innovative Exporting Practices
11:20am-12:05pm III Culture and Arts District Designation
11:20am-12:05pm III Young Entrepreneurialism Programming
12:05-1:30pm Lunch Lunch, Keynote: Christina Keller, Cascade Engineering
1:30-1:50pm Lunch Mid-Day Burst: Issues to Innovations
1:55-2:40pm IV Open Educational Resources
1:55-2:40pm IV Food Innovation Districts
1:55-2:40pm IV Innovation Mosaic
2:40-2:50pm   Networking Break
2:50-3:35pm V Innovation Brokering
2:50-3:35pm V Building a Creative Services Incubator within a Community College: Lessons Learned
2:50-3:35pm V Alpena and Cheboygan Port Study
3:35-3:45pm   Networking Break
3:45-4:30pm Close Closing Burst: Innovations to Success - Jennifer Bruen (REI), Jeanette Tamayo (EDA), Rex LaMore, (REI)
4:30pm   Reception